What Tulsa Pastors are Saying
I have been through the Journey with 3 different groups of men, the last two being with guys in my congregation. It has truly been a powerful tool in helping men to understand a discipleship vision for their life. The visual image of going from Refugee through the process of becoming an Influencer is very impactful. The high calling to personal abandonment and absolute trust in our relationship with Jesus is captivating. I’m grateful for the impact of the Journey in my life and in our church.
Bob Feist
Senior Pastor, Christ United Methodist Church
Personal abandonment and absolute trust. These words have resonated in my heart and spirit for the last year and in turn, God has used them and the Journey to transform my life. Even as a pastor, this past year has reignited and stoked the passion in my personal relationship with God. Now we have launched the Journey at The Assembly and over 40 guys have begun this incredible process. Each of their lives is already being impacted by God’s word and the fellowship of our Journey brothers. One of the coolest parts for me is that I get a front row seat in watching God’s plan of transformation unfold.
Code Miller
Connections Pastor, The Assembly
Journey groups have been a great discipleship experience for over 50 men at Christian Chapel. Through the Journey groups, many men have taken ownership of their faith and began to serve as spiritual leaders in their homes and in our church. I love how the relationships formed in Journey groups have resulted in men forging meaningful friendships and pushing forward together as followers of Christ.
Chris Dow
Lead Pastor, Christian Chapel
The Journey focuses on all the right stuff: abiding in Jesus Christ through prayer and Scripture, growing and maturing in Jesus Christ through connecting to others in intentional and accountable relationships, and reproducing disciples who follow Jesus Christ. As an individual follower of Jesus Christ myself, my Journey group “band of brothers” locked arms with me on this path. As a lead pastor, it has been a delight to see people in our church be changed by God Himself using this wonderful disciple making approach. I gladly recommend The Journey to anyone wishing to grow as a disciple.
Eric Bryan
Lead Pastor, Fellowship Bible Church
The Journey has made a major spiritual difference in the lives of men at the Kirk. In my 27 years at The Kirk I have not seen anything that has been as transformative than The Journey. Last year two men that have attended the Kirk for years told me, “For the first time in my life I feel as though Christ is alive. My Bible reading is now a lot more meaningful."
Wayne Hardy
Senior Pastor, The Kirk