*10th Annual*

Friday, September 20th, 2024
Tulsa Gun Club
8888 East Mohawk Blvd
Tulsa, OK 74117
Registration starts at 7:30AM
for team availability contact Frank here or at 918-595-3592
Sponsorship information and registration below
Attendance / Tournament Capacity: We will have up to (30) 4-man teams. The Tulsa Gun Club Facility will have 20 Sporting Clay stations. There will be a top gun award and team award for team with the highest score.
Volunteer Capacity: It takes a lot of preparation and a dedicated team of men to pull of a successful event like this year after year. What an incredible opportunity to "live it out" by becoming a volunteer for this year's event. We will be looking for men to serve with parking team, set-up and tear-down, hospitality carts, station operations, food, and various other roles needed for the day.
Sponsor Recognition: Sponsors will be recognized on the Sponsor Board at their chosen sponsor level. A sponsor banner will be displayed at the event. Influencers Tulsa will print the sponsoring company's name with Logo as provided. The station sponsors will be displayed on a poster at sponsoring stations. In addition to the 120 shooters on teams, there will be approximately another 40 volunteers representing teams for tournament administration, registration, promotion, cooking, auction, raffle, sponsorships, and a tournament team to manage the stations.
Sponsorship Options:
Event Sponsors $10K
- package includes: (2) 4-man teams; lunch for 8; 40 raffle tickets; 12ga. ammo; golf cart; pre-event / event / post-event publicity; event media video
Kingdom Sponsors $6K
- package includes: (1) 4-man team; lunch for 4; 20 raffle tickets; 12ga. ammo; golf cart; pre-event / event publicity
Gold Sponsors $4K
- package includes: (1) 4-man team; lunch for 4; 12 raffle tickets; 12ga. ammo; golf cart; event publicity
Silver Sponsors $2K
- package includes: (1) 4-man team; lunch for 4; 8 raffle tickets; 12ga. ammo; golf cart; event publicity
Station Sponsor $500
- package includes: signage with logo at station